• 图片信息

  • QJ9131071007
  • 卢金丰
  • 不需要肖像权授权
  • 4032 x 3024 px
  • 承德避暑山庄,承德离宫,热河行宫,世界文化遗产,国家五A景区,重点文物保护,古建筑遗址,传统造园,烟波致爽,芝径云堤,无暑清凉,延薰山馆,水芳岩秀,万壑松风,松鹤清樾,云山胜地,四面云山,北枕双峰,西
  • chengde summer resort,chengde ligong,rehe palace,world cultural heritage,national five a scenic spot,key cultural relics protection,ancient architectural sites,traditional gardening,refreshing by smoke and waves,zhijing yundi,cool without summer heat,yanxun mountain hall,beautiful water and rocks,pine wind in thousands of valleys,clear use of pine and crane,cloud mountain resort,surrounded by cloud mountains,double peaks in the north and west

